Episode541- Wrestling Talk
On this episode of Wrestling Talk, we went over this past week wrestling shows, giving you top of the line analysis on each show. Tonights

Episode540-The DeFalco Files (Episode 106)
This week on “The DeFalco Files” Joe talks the return this past weekend of Bateman to FSW at ‘Ground Zero’. Joe gives his thoughts on

Episode539-3 Count
On 3 Count, we choose 3 wrestling stories from the week and discuss our agreement or disagreement with the article. On tonight’s show we will

Episode538- Wrestling Talk
On this episode of Wrestling Talk, we went over this past week wrestling shows, giving you top of the line analysis on each show. Tonights

Episode537-The DeFalco Files (Episode 105)
This week on “The DeFalco Files” Joe talks the return of Bateman to FSW at ‘Ground Zero’ on 4/23 where he’ll take on Cut Throat

Episode536-3 Count
On 3 Count, we choose 3 wrestling stories from the week and discuss our agreement or disagreement with the article. On tonight’s show we will

Episode535-Wrestling Talk
On this episode of Wrestling Talk, we went over this past week wrestling shows, giving you top of the line analysis on each show. Tonights

Episode534-Xenia (Matt Michael’s “People I Don’t Hate”)
On this episode of “Matt Michaels People I Don’t Hate” Matt and Simon Street welcome the wonderful wrestling journalist Xenia of “Xenia Did That”. They

Episode533-The DeFalco Files(Episode 104).mp3
This week on “The DeFalco Files” Joe talks about the aftermath of FSW ‘Future Shock’ and how he thought it went. He also gives an

Episode532-3 Count
On 3 Count, we choose 3 wrestling stories from the week and discuss our agreement or disagreement with the article. On tonight’s show we will

Episode 531-Wrestling Talk [Wrestlemania Weekend & Shows Afterwards]
On this episode of Wrestling Talk, we went over this past week wrestling shows, giving you top of the line analysis on each show, including

Episode530-The DeFalco Files (Episode103)
This week on “The DeFalco Files” Joe talks about FSW ‘Future Shock’ this Saturday 4/16 at 6pm. He also talks about the ‘Full Tilt Weekend