Episode625-3 Count
On 3 Count, we choose 3 wrestling stories from the week and discuss our agreement or disagreement with the article. On tonight’s show we will

Episode624- Wrestling Talk
On this episode of Wrestling Talk, we went over this past week wrestling shows, giving you top of the line analysis on each show. Tonights

Episode623- The DeFalco Files (Episode 133)
This week Joe talks about this past weekend’s‘Helloween’. He gives his takes on the matches, gives an update on the upcoming ‘Against the Odds’ show,

Episode622-3 Count
On 3 Count, we choose 3 wrestling stories from the week and discuss our agreement or disagreement with the article. On tonight’s show we will

Episode621- Wrestling Talk
On this episode of Wrestling Talk, we went over this past week wrestling shows, giving you top of the line analysis on each show. Tonights

Episode620-The DeFalco Files (Episode 132)
This week Joe talks about the FSW’s MECCA VIII show that happened this past weekend. He talks how the old saying “card subject to change”

Episode619-3 Count
On 3 Count, we choose 3 wrestling stories from the week and discuss our agreement or disagreement with the article. On tonight’s show we will

Episode618- Wrestling Talk
On this episode of Wrestling Talk, we went over this past week wrestling shows, giving you top of the line analysis on each show. #vegasbadboyzofpodcasting

Episode616-3 Count
On 3 Count, we choose 3 wrestling stories from the week and discuss our agreement or disagreement with the article. On tonight’s show we will

Episode614-Kenny King (Matt Micheal’s “People I Don’t Hate”)
On this episode the Vegas Badboyz welcome Impact Wrestling’s Kenny King. Kenny talks about coming back to Impact Wrestling after a almost a decade, this

Episode613-Chris Bey (Matt Micheal’s “People I Don’t Hate”)
On this episode the Vegas Badboyz welcome the “Ultimate Finesser” Impact Wrestling’s Chris Bey. Chris talks about resigning with Impact Wrestling, this coming weekend’s “Sin