Episode438-3 Count
On this episode of 3 Count, Tony Kahn saids, WCW would still exist if Ted Turner had his knowledge. We discussed if Tony Kahn is having a break down, or does he have a point. O
Episode437-Wrestling Talk
On this episode of Wrestling Talk, we went over this past week wrestling shows, giving you top of the line analysis on each show. Its another episode full of laughter and snarky co
Episode436-Moose (Matt Michael’s “People I Don’t Hate”
On this episode of “Matt Michaels’ People I Don’t Hate” Matt and DJ Impact welcome two time Impact Wrestling ‘Grand Champion’ Moose. DJ asks Moose about his upcoming ga
Episode435-Ricky Tenacious (Matt Michael’s “People I Don’t Hate”
On this episode of “Matt Michaels’ People I Don’t Hate” Matt welcomes ‘The Songbird of Wrestling’ Ricky Tenaciuos. Ricky is here to let us know about the upcoming Big V
Episode434-The DeFalco Files (Episode78)
This week on the “The DeFalco Files” Joe and Matt talk about this past Saturday’s ‘High Octane’ event. A great card from top to bottom Joe details how he put the show tog
Episode433-3 Count
On this episode of 3 Count, WWE Crown Jewel is setting up to be must be tv with AEW creating urgency according to the writer. We talk about how big this show card is looking and
Episode432-Wrestling Talk
On this episode of Wrestling Talk, we went over this past week wrestling shows, giving you top of the line analysis on each show. Its another episode full of laughter and snarky co
Episode431-The DeFalco Files (Episode 77)
This week on the “The DeFalco Files” Joe welcomes back ‘Cutthroat’ Cody Hancock. Cody and Joe talk about how the match between Cody and Funnybone versus AJ Gray and Nick Ga
Episode430-3 Count
On this episode of 3 Count, It was reported that AEW outdrew WWE in average number of fans attending shows, but we question how are they calculating this data and is this another