Episode468-TheDeFalco Files (Episode 86)
Davey talks about his upcoming appearance this Friday at the FSW ‘Limitless’ show. His first round match will see him facing one of the most decorated FSW wrestlers Jacob Austin Young.
Davey also talks about his upcoming Thursday night workshop at FSW (check out fswvegas.com for more information), how amateur wrestling lead him to pro-wrestling, why he prefers the independent wrestling style of matches versus the television style, and how he has been lucky to have a supportive wife in his life.
Joe also talk about the upcoming ‘Limitless’ tournament on 12/10, ‘Seasons Beatings’ on 12/23, and the FSW New Year’s Eve show on 12/31. Plus Joe gets into a little college and NFL Football!
So grab the gifts and wrapping paper and enjoy this episode of the ‘DeFalco Files’.
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