Episode185-Goldy Locks (Matt Michael’s “People I Don’t Hate”)

ListenEpisode185-Goldy Locks (Matt Michael’s “People I Don’t Hate”)

Episode185-Goldy Locks (Matt Michael’s “People I Don’t Hate”)

On this very special episode of “Matt Michaels’ People I Don’t Hate” Simon Street and DJ Impact welcome Goldy Locks, Rod Saylor and Serge Droban of the Goldy Locks Band, and former WCW and TNA wrestler Alan Funk  (Kwee Wee of WCW fame). We have a very personal discussion about “All To You”, a new impactful song about God and suicide prevention. Hear about the song’s beginnings and the evolution of the music video. Alan shares insight into how he, James Storm, and Chase Stevens came up with the fight choreography for the video. There are some entertaining stories about the making of the music video. And most importantly we all touch on our personal reasons this video is so important. Please check out the video https://youtu.be/yTEosQBPZ0E
And if you are ever feeling suicidal or overwhelmed by life help is available by calling the ‘National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’ 800-273-8255

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