Episode884 -(DeFalco Files 217)

ListenEpisode884 -(DeFalco Files 217)

Episode884 -(DeFalco Files 217)

Tonight we dedicate this episode of the DeFalco Files to one of the greatest pe and talents Chris Bey. Chris was injured during the main event of the TNA tv tapings  this past weekend. 
We ask that you give it a listen ad please consider donating to the Go Fund Me set up to help Chris with his road to recovery from this unfortunate and untimely accident in the ring.
It’s moments like this where the wrestling community of fans, talent, promotions, ad friends come together to support a amazing human being who has always put the fans and the business before everything else in his life.
Chris trained and also teaches here in Vegas at FSW (Future Stars Of Wrestling)
Joe DeFalco is the owner and creator of FSW and has been one of the biggest advocates for Chris and his career from day one.
If you’ve never seen or listened to an episode before please take some time to watch or listen to this one.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Chris on his speedy and full recovery 
You can donate now at this link

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