Episode427-The DeFalco Files (Episode 76)

ListenEpisode427-The DeFalco Files (Episode 76)

Episode427-The DeFalco Files (Episode 76)

This week on the “The DeFalco Files” Joe welcomes the fiery young tag team ‘Heart and Soulless’ Nic Zander and Chase Bell.

Nic talks about being a fan of FSW before he started training and Chase talks about moving from New Orleans to pursue his wrestling dream.

They discuss how they were hesitant on becoming a team and how in the end it’s helped both of them develop together.

Joe shares his thoughts on how they have evolved and why he kept them together as a tag team.

And Joe runs down his thoughts about ‘Survival of the Fittest’ and the future of running shows at Diversion Amusements.

Remember ‘Survival of the Fittest’ can be seen on FITE TV replay for only $14.99!

Get to know ‘Heart and Soulless’ right here on “The DeFalco Files”.

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